At Montpellier Business School, the MSc in Marketing programme allows you to acquire the necessary tools to shift your professional skills and boost your talent to stand out of the crown.
The programme consists of 4 blocs. In the first bloc, you will be introduced with the Fundamental of Marketing, learn what the marketing is in terms of customer needs, their value and satisfactions. The second bloc focuses on the Sectorial Applied Marketing, where you will study about Marketing communication, Advanced Brand Management. Different business sectors will be presented and discussed in the case studies from Luxury & Fashion to Wine and Food through Social Networks and etc. In the third bloc, we will provide you tools and techniques to foster your marketers’ skills, allow you to master the marketing processes to find new solutions for problems. And in the last bloc, we offer you courses on ethic and values, the foundation of doing businesses with global responsibility: honesty, fairness and integrity.
The MSc. Marketing programme is entirely taught in English. The in-class courses lasts 8 months, from October to May, and from June to December, 4 months, are reserved for an internship and the Master thesis writing. The French courses are provided during the academic year and cultural and company visits are organized during the programme. The School is closed during the Christmas and students can also benefit some vacation days from the Eastern break.
- 位于法国南部海边城市
- 法国排名前10的高等商学院
- 蒙彼利埃高商的旗舰项目之一
- 非常有特色的营销项目,专业细分多
- 可以转专业申请
- 有奢侈品营销,葡萄酒营销和数字营销
- 1年制项目,快速进入专业
- 13000欧元学费,性价比高
Marketing Manager, Product Manager, Brand Manager, Manager International Development, Communication Manager.