MSc in Supply Chain Management
联系方式 赵老师 |
项目介绍 The MSc in Supply Chain Management (SCM), Logistics or Purchasing, provides a unique opportunity to acquire an advanced qualification in the field of Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (with a choice of a “Purchasing track” or a “Logistics track” in the second semester). Thanks to this knowledge, future managers should be able to identify, optimize and control, with a global overview, the main drivers of value creation and business success factors. Today, managers have to deal with short lead- times, a great disparity of products, multiple partners and sourcing zones. New skills are needed to face these multiple challenges. Editorial The functions of Sourcing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management are present in almost all sectors of the economy. Managing the Supply Chain, from suppliers to the end customer, including production, generates new jobs. Thus, a high-level of training, specialized in these new features, is very popular with businesses. Our master program aims to give future managers the skills needed to create and implement a Supply Chain policy, in line with a company’s strategy and in interaction with all departments of the company: research and development, marketing, finance, management control, human resources, legal department, etc. 课程详细