MSc Auditing, Management Accounting and Info Systems
![]() 联系方式 赵老师 |
SKEMA商学院的审计、管理会计和信息系统是法国商学院中少有的会计和管理控制相关专业。项目把会计、审计和信息系统结合,适应了现在管理的前沿潮流。项目的课程教授给学生多样的工具和能力,使学生可以在实际的运营和创业环境中应用所学到的知识帮助企业的发展。通过本专业的学习,学生可以胜任以下工作:内部和外部审计、咨询、专业审计(IT,营销等)、管理控制等。学生还可以通过本项目准备注册会计师的考试。 Participants develop an in-depth understanding of audit, management control and information systems, and of the different ways it contributes to competitive advantage and to the wealth and advancement of society. The MSc provides students with a range of knowledge, tools and skills and the ability to use them in a variety of operational & entrepreneurial situations in order to become responsible managers and contribute to sustainable development. Students develop the ability to think analytically in order to successfully apply their knowledge and technical expertise to the solution of real business problems. The programme supports and encourages students to develop their individual managerial and research capabilities in order to become key actors of change for their companies, profession and the global business environment. 就业方向