MSc Advanced Corporate Finance
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项目介绍 学校的企业金融学专业硕士项目是一个非常密集的课程:项目覆盖了金融学各个方面的知识,而且同时兼顾到了企业和市场金融,方便学生可以选择在企业或是金融咨询公司工作。第戎商学院的财务和金融专业在法国有较大的知名度,学校很多毕业生在审计和财务咨询公司工作。此外,学校和“ 就业方向
Program Presentation "The recent economic and financial turmoil has demonstrated the need both for a strong finance and for a renewed finance. Financial world as well as financial professionals need to change and adjust to the new global context. This implies addressing today challenges, such as CSR, stakeholders' governance or big data management, as well as current academic debates such as behavioral economics, experimental methods and interactive learning methods.". The MSc in Advanced Corporate Finance aims to develop skills and theoretical advanced knowledge in corporate finance. The program is organized in 5 blocks: core management classes, financial economics, advanced accounting and controlling, advanced corporate finance, advanced market finance. 课程举例