EM Grenoble


  • Classical Track 经典路径 - 选择一个专业细分学习一年
  • International Exchange - 选择国际交流一个学期
  • GGSB Double Degree MSc - 学校MSc专业学习
  • International Double Degree - 选择和一个国际合作学校学习一年,获得2校文凭

Classical Track 经典路径专业细分

Management 普通管理学方向
Innovation Strategy & Entrepreneurship 创新战略和创业
Business Development 商务拓展
Finance 金融
Marketing 市场营销
Parcour General 普通管理学方向
L'alternance 兼职学习方向(一边工作一边学习)
Management de la Technologie et de l'Innovation 科技和创新管理
Conseil, Strategie et Management de Projets SI 信息系统项目的咨询,战略和管理
Expertise Comptable 财务和会计
Intelligence Economique 经济信息分析
Management Humanitaire 人文管理
Ingenieur 工程师方向
MS Journalisme 新闻
MS Entrepreneur 创业
MS Achats 采购
MS Management & Marketing de l‘Energie 能源的管理和营销
MS Management des activites de Service 服务行为的管理
MS Business Intelligence 商务信息分析
MS RH en Entreprise Internationale 国际企业的人力资源管理(需要有相关工作经验)

International Exchange 国际交流



GGSB Double Degree MSc - 本校双学位

学生在2年的学习后可以同时获得MASTER IN MANAGEMENT和MSC的2个硕士文凭





How many student in MIM program can opt for a double degree in MSc Finance? I was told very few places are available for MIM students. Is it true?


We have about 60-70 candidates from MIM applying for MSc Finance and we accept around 50% of them. So it is possible but selective. It will depend on your grades, professional experience, motivation, professional project and level of English. This year (2016), we have 30 seats for MIM students: 10 in Grenoble, 10 in London and 10 in Singapore.


I met one of my students today, she successfully applied into GE and MSc Finance double degree in London, which is great.She told me now many GGSB MScs are open to GE student and about 40 students this year went to these programs even MSc Luxury management.Is that ture?


Yes this is completely true, ESC students can apply for a double degree to some Msc programs from GGSB. They are selected by the program directors. There is no guaranty that the next year will be the same number of places et criteria of selection are defined by de program itself as well. Pass-world students are considered as normal ESC students, once they are here, so they have exactly the same rights as long as they satisfy eventual prerequisites.


International Double Degree 国际双学位

